meta name=”robots” content=”index, follow” Meschery's Musings of Sports, Literature, and Life Meschery's Musings on Sports, Literature and Life: Boarders and Aerial Skiers, What a Show!

What my musings are all about...

Blogging might well be the 21st century's form of journaling. As a writing teacher, I have always advised my students to keep a daily journal as a way of organizing their thoughts for future writing projects, a discipline I have unfortunately never consistently practiced myself. By blogging, I might finally be able to follow my own good advice.

The difference between journaling and blogging is that the blogger opens his or her writing to the public, something journal- writers are usually reluctant to do. I am not so reticent.

The trick for me will be to avoid cluttering the internet with more blather, something none of us need more of. If I stick to subjects I know: sports and literature, I believe I can avoid that pitfall. I can't promise that I'll not stray from time to time to comment on ancillary subjects, but I will make every attempt to be interesting and perhaps even insightful.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Boarders and Aerial Skiers, What a Show!

If you missed Shaun White's last Olympic Show for a Gold, get the video. Ditto if you missed David Wise in his stunning aerial half pipe performance for a Gold to match his Gold from Sochi. And double ditto if you missed the Gold winning sky high performance of Cloe Kim. Forget the baggy pants and the nose rings, these young men and women are downtown athletes. Sports Illustrated got it right putting Cloe on their recent cover.

Great big kudos to Lindsey Vonn, the best female skier of all time. Her Bronze this year might be as important as any of of her other awards and achievements as an example of courage to future athletes who will suffer significant injuries and strive to comeback from them. All that glitters is not Gold.

I don't see how any female skaters have a chance against the two front-running Russians: Loved the magic of the three males individual skaters on the podium. I would have given a Gold to all three.

U.S.A. women's hockey wins the Gold over our neighbors to the north. Hell of a game. Congratulation. Now if only I could have seen the puck. 

I could go on and on about this years' Winter Olympics, but certainly a Gold medal was earned by the country of South Korea for staging one of the best Winter shows ever.

To another subject:

I'm not buying Mark Cuban's statement that he is embarrassed by allegations of sexual misconduct by execs in his Dallas Mavericks organization. Really? How long have you owned the team, Mark? Have you no eyes to see, no ears to hear? No mouth to speak? Very weak, Mark, very weak.

It seems like every morning I wake up and read about another sexual harassment accusation in the newspaper. Do these sexual predators (99% males) have any idea what turds they are? We're not talking about some kind of low brow trailer trash people, but men in positions of power, politicians, fire chiefs, company presidents, college coaches, doctors. lawyers, etc. It is 2018 and this crap is still going on. I  am embarrassed for my gender. I hope the women sue the crap out of these guys and put them all in the poor house.

Why I Never Played Hockey   by Tom Meschery

It's too fast. I can't follow the puck.
I'm cold even in this padded uniform.
I feel like I'm in the North Korean army
and we're invading the South,
then the South is invading us,
then we're back at it. We will go on
like this forever, invading each other
on a field of ice. I feel as if I have a cage
over my head. I am ten and the ice
on the pond is cracking under my skates.
I'm twenty in the NHL and I have no teeth.

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